World-Wide Deadbolt Lock Security




Copyright © 2021  Deadbolt Cloak ©  … Portable International Deadbolt Security by Prof. Mitchell Watrous

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher:


If you came to this page looking for order information … just scroll on down to the bottom of this article … or go ahead and buy it now.

If you would like to purchase the Deadbolt Cloak ©    without being directed to several other web pages … here is the information for you:

Here is the final package deal. This is what each customer pays for … and receives:

  • ONE Deadbolt Cloak ©   … Discount Price: $19.95  (Original Price for one: $59.95)
  • Plus, TWO … FREE Deadbolt Cloak ©   (original value FOR TWO = $119.90)
  • FREE Shipping and handling anywhere in the USA (we absorb that cost, i.e. $9.95+)

So, then, the Total Charge for all THREE Deadbolt Cloak ©   … only $19.95 … and FREE Shipping and Handling anywhere in the USA.







To comply with Safety Guidelines for Covid-19 and germ transmissions … this product is guaranteed to be Brand-New … and never used by anyone else because we cannot accept returns.

We do not offer a money-back guarantee on orders with free products and free shipping … BUT … we are adding Two Free Deadbolt Guards and

FREE Shipping and Handling anywhere in the USA with this offer.

We use it, and we know it works world-wide when used as described  in homes, apartments, hotels, motels or wherever a deadbolt is used … and it has hundreds of other applications in addition to securing a deadbolt lock (i.e., in other places where Velcro ® Brand one-wrap products are used).


Chapter 1

DEADBOLT CLOAK © Portable Security


What is the Deadbolt Cloak ©   … and what is it used for?

It is a  small, portable security device that is used to prevent sneaky, tricky thieves from getting your room’s deadbolt door-lock open. Use it wherever you are in your room … just about anywhere in the world … and it also zips through airport securities.








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Image 1: Picking The Deadbolt Lock



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Image 2: Success! Opened Unprotected Deadbolt Lock


We will give you some crime statistics a little later on in the booklet … but thought you might just like to know about this amazing product first.

This is the greatest “home-alone” security device on the market. Zips through airport securities. Is portable, re-usable and can be used internationally.

It was invented by a retired college professor who wanted something effective that could be used just about any anywhere in the world when someone alone is in a strange place.

After a lot of trial and error … and “Velcro-like” products that did not hold up … he found the most useful VELCRO ® BRAND size and solution that did work best.

This is a portable, personal-safety protection device … designed to be used when someone is alone in their room somewhere or anywhere … and in a strange place (even in international places).

Even though it appears to be a really simple product … the solution to its effectiveness is ingenious. Look below to how simple the product actually is … see two images below (3 & 4):



Image 3:  Deadbolt Cloak ©   Image (rolled up)


It is so little it just easily unravels for you to put it on a deadbolt in your apartment, hotel, motel, dorm room, or home (without leaving a single mark; no screw holes; no nail holes; no marks of any kind).



Image 4: Deadbolt Cloak ©   (unrolled)


Does it look simple? The inventor thinks from “little” to “big” things. He also described the process that holds the universe together … and the “substance” that can [and does] actually travel faster than the speed of light (but … that’s another story … for space travel).

If you are tired of shooting burglars, cracking their heads with a hammer, sticking them with your dagger, or bashing them with your baseball bat … then,  this great little, portable device is for you.

Deadbolt Cloak ©   is so little you can roll it up in the palm of your hand and put it in your pocket, purse, briefcase, glove box, or where you want it.

It is so powerful (when properly installed) that no kind of key or lock pick device (or electronic key card or code) of any kind can open it … not even a master key, or even your key, can open it from the outside.

What is it made of? It is a VELCRO ® BRAND UL/fr One-Wrap special composition strap.

How big is it? It’s about 17 inches long, and weighs less than half an ounce. It can fit in your hand … or roll it up and put it in your pocket, purse, briefcase, or glove box.

And, it installs in seconds on deadbolts without using any tools, nuts, bolts, screws, nails, rivets, buckles, metal plates, plastic parts … and no keys of any kind are needed.

In fact, you do not need anything to install it but your hands (i.e., no screwdrivers, pliers, or wrenches). Here is one almost completed on a demonstration model. See image 5 below:


Image 5: Deadbolt Cloak ©   (finish installation)

This is deadbolt protection you can count on from the most powerful, portable deadbolt safety device that can be used world-wide. Install or remove it in about 5 – 7 seconds.


Chapter 2

Features and Benefits



Great for people living in places that provide deadbolts on doors in places such as:

  • APARTMENTS (rentals or leases and it does not deface any doors, walls, or door knobs)
  • STUDENTS living in dorms (and does not deface any doors, walls, or door knobs)
  • TRAVEL (hotels, motels, cabins, time-shares, cruise ships, etc.)
  • YOUR OWN HOME (works on deadbolts installed on exterior or interior doors



Absolutely NO ONE can unlock your deadbolt with the Deadbolt Cloak ©  properly installed IN PLACE … even if intruders have things such as:

  • Any master keys of any kind
  • Bump keys
  • Copies of your keys
  • Drills, screwdrivers, pliers, or chisels
  • Lock pick devices of all kinds
  • Your own keys
  • Electronic key cards
  • Key codes for battery operated locks



  • Put it in place in seconds and remove it in seconds.
  • Portable: take it with you for use in other places.
  • No tools or special installation required.
  • No buckles, rivets or screws to leave scars.
  • No holes of any kind in the doors or walls.
  • Cannot open deadbolt cloak with any kind of key!
  • Millions of other uses besides use on deadbolts.


Additional Information (Keep This In Mind):

In many states there are no laws that require landlords to change the locks and keys between tenants nor in student dorms (or previous owners of used homes).

And, in many places where there are laws to change the locks and keys between tenants … many of the landlords just “forget” to do it.

Tip: When you move into a new “place” … are you provided with bright, shiny new keys? Hint: “Old” used keys or un-keyed locks use the same old “worn-looking” keys.

Do any former residents ever use their old keys to go back and “break” into their former residence?

Ha! You bet some of them do … but this is kept as quiet as possible because of bad publicity for the landlord/owner.

Don’t trust anyone with your safety. Protect yourself. There is no law that can prevent you from using the Deadbolt Cloak ©   anywhere in the world.





It also makes a great stocking-stuffer for a holiday – or as a present for birthdays, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries, graduations, student dorm room, vacations, etc.

It’s even easy to remove (2 – 3 seconds with the “Quick-Remove” technique) … and take with you  to use on another door deadbolt in another place.

It can be removed and used on other wood or metal doors in other places when you move … or travel on to another vacation or business spot.

Easy to install, and even easier to remove. And, when you move, there are no marks left on anything that an apartment or hotel manager could charge you to repair.

Why would anyone even need a Deadbolt Cloak ©  ?

Find out why below. You will likely be totally surprised. See  the TRUE STORIES later on in this information booklet.

Why would anyone want to make sure that their dead bolt is actually secure? It’s because … most of them are actually no more secure than the other little door locks below the deadbolt.

You will be absolutely astounded at how very well it works on most deadbolts

Note: It will NOT work on a round deadbolt latch … but you might want to consider replacing deadbolts with round latches on any of your own doors.

Plus, if you move into an apartment with round latches on their deadbolts … you can ask them to change the deadbolt for your safety (and you can tell hem why if you want to).

Reminder: The Deadbolt Cloak ©  so small you can even roll it up and hold it in the palm of your hand (or stick it in your pocket, purse, briefcase, suitcase, or glove box.

And if you are a traveler, or sales person, this thing will zip right through airport security everywhere because it has NO metal parts in it.

Why put up with any intrusions on your safety and security … you might be just a bit too trusting!

You can take steps to prevent those encounters in the first place … especially when you are alone in a room somewhere (near or far away) that has a deadbolt.

You can secure the deadbolt with the Deadbolt Cloak ©  … and that could be when you are alone in your home, apartment, dorm, hotel, motel, cruise, time-share … or wherever!

After an unwanted intruder-encounter, trying to restore a sweet, pristine life to its original serenity and peaceful joy … is about as ugly and messy as trying to re-roll all the used sheets in a roll of toilet paper … it will never be the same! (Ugh! Be smart! Be safe!)

For example, the intruder shown in the image below could have sneaked into your:

  • Home
  • Apartment
  • Dorm room
  • Motel room
  • Hotel room
  • Cruise ship room
  • Time-share
  • Mobile home
  • Cabin in the woods
  • Or … just about any place without a “protected” deadbolt on the door


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Image 6: Intruder “sneaking” in on an unprepared resident.


Real life is not like life in a movie scene or story. People don’t just get up and “dust” themselves off and move on as if nothing happened after they have been assaulted. That is not what normal people do.

Most people can watch and understand an action scene where a “hero” can jump up and perform all sorts of “kicky-slappy” kung-fu or martial arts acrobatics. But, having the ability to fight like that … and disarm assailants … is not something that most people can do (i.e., like the do in the movies).

But ordinary, average people will usually be petrified when confronted by an unexpected intruder with a knife or gun … or maybe the intruder is just big and mean-looking … especially, if an intruder has silently sneaked in to commit some types of crimes.

Waking up …  or looking up from some other activity only to find a stranger standing there glaring at you … can be absolutely, shockingly horrifying and petrifying.

This is especially sad, because most of those break-ins caused by unprotected deadbolts can be prevented … everywhere and internationally … wherever deadbolts are available on room doors.


Chapter 3

Deadbolt Cloak ©   Imitations


Remember: The “little” Deadbolt Cloak ©    can provide some really “big” protection! See the image below … and how easily it can roll up in the palm of your hand and tucked into your pocket, purse, or briefcase.



Image 7: Tiny Deadbolt Cloak ©   in the palm of a hand.


NOTE 1: You should not substitute inferior “Velcro-imitations” for this product. Our product has a Cranberry/Black color (front and back sides) to identify it as UL/fr certified. “Ordinary Velcro” does not have the same material quality nor performance characteristics  that we require.

NOTE 2: In case the supply of “Cranberry/Black” color combination VELCRO ® becomes back-ordered … there is a special “Black/Black” combination that has the same composition characteristics. If you order this Deadbolt Cloak ©   device … and the “Black/Black” combination is supplied instead of the “Cranberry/Black” combination … you WILL BE INFORMED so that you can be assured that you have the correct-performing product.

Deadbolt latches come in many sizes, but the Deadbolt Cloak ©  will fit just about any of them … except it will not work on round deadbolt latches … but fortunately, there do not seem to be very many of those “round” deadbolt latches in most places in the world.

Here is a close up of a deadbolt thumb latch with only a small space behind the latch. The Deadbolt Cloak ©   will still fit in the space right behind this type of latch.


Image 8:  “Small Space” behind a deadbolt latch


Below is a close-up of an irregular-size deadbolt thumb latch with only a little “nub” at the top of the thumb latch and a large space behind the latch. The Deadbolt Cloak ©   will still provide the same protection. This product is versatile enough to conform to a variety of deadbolt latch shapes and sizes (except it will not work on deadbolts with round latch knobs).


Image 9: Deadbolt with a “short & long” side latch handle.


In fact, both types of deadbolt thumb latches are shown in the constructed display model below, and the Deadbolt Cloak ©  fits both of them. One opens left and the other opens right.

The inventor came up with two types of application solutions … and the choice of application-type is left up to the user/purchaser: *

  • “Quick Release” wrap application (allows for quick removal)
  • “Houdini-Proof” wrap installation

* NOTE: The two application types are different … and only the user can instantly identify which application-type is being used … but both types are equally effective when properly applied. The technique to use is a matter of personal preference.

For purchasers, both video and written instructions are provided … because it is nearly impossible to determine exactly how to correctly apply the Deadbolt Cloak ©   just by looking at  pictures of installations.

The applications may all look different for deadbolts on doors in homes, apartments, motels, and other places … but they are the same and can be easily learned. The two Deadbolt Cloak ©   applications below … are shown for the deadbolts shown in Images 8 & 9 above.


Image 10: (Model): (from Deadbolt Images 8 & 9 above)


Some might say that this does not look like much. Our tests prove otherwise. It is way more than “much” … as show in the “True Stories” further down below.

Looks can be deceiving. Note: Both applications in the model (Image 10) above show the “Houdini-Proof” technique … but the “Quick-Release” technique looks “exactly” the same (but with one difference) … and only a Deadbolt Cloak ©   owner can instantly tell the difference, but both techniques work powerfully the same way.

Plus, you can roll it up and put it in your pocket or purse and use it some other place for something else (i.e., millions of other uses for these Velcro straps besides use on deadbolts):

  • It does not require any installation tools.
  • Apply, or remove, it in seconds.
  • No tools, nails, screws, nuts, bolts or plates needed.
  • Use it on deadbolts in apartments, homes, dorms, motels, cruises.
  • This device will not leave any marks or holes on anything, anywhere.
  • No key or lock pick of any kind can open it.
  • It does not use a key of any type.
  • When people see it they have no idea what it’s used for.
  • When you move/leave, you just take it with you … it’s portable!
  • You can actually use it for many other tasks (i.e., wrap other stuff).



Chapter 4

 Legal Uses




And just because they have a key … they do NOT have the right (in the United States of America) to barge in on you when you are home … but you need to let them know that you will be home for any scheduled inspections or repairs.

Legally, you have to let them in or grant them access when you are gone (i.e., at work, out shopping, etc.) … so that they can perform required inspections or make repairs as requested by the tenant.

BUT when you are home, they need to wait for you to open the door and grant them access … unless they want to be charged with assault, etc. … or get shot as a invader when they impatiently barge into your apartment.

There is a myth that a deadbolt is the ultimate defense against anyone getting a door open. Better think again … because an unprotected deadbolt lock is no more effective than a regular door lock at preventing someone from getting a door lock open.

Thieves are even smarter today … and they have many tricks to get past a door or deadbolt lock that is not protected (i.e., not protected with the Deadbolt Cloak © ).

Did you know that almost any lock (including your deadbolt) can be opened by all sorts of trick keys and lock-pick devices? Many less than respectful people out there hope that you are not paying attention … and that you never find out about the Deadbolt Cloak © .

Here are some of the devices that can open your unprotected deadbolt without your permission and without your Deadbolt Cloak ©   in place.

  • Your Key
  • Copy of your key (i.e., former owner, resident, builder, or thief)
  • Master Keys
  • Bump Keys
  • Lock Pick Sets
  • Screw driver
  • Electronic Key Card (i.e., motels, hotels, cruises)
  • Electronic code (i.e., uses letters and/or number combinations)
  • Or any other devices that can turn the lock tumbler in your deadbolt


Here are some of the devices that can open your deadbolt with the Deadbolt Cloak ©  in place:

  • None
  • Zero
  • Zip
  • Nada
  • Nihil
  • NOT going to happen with anyone’s tricky key or lock-picker


Here are some of the tools that can break down your door regardless of what you have on it:

  • Police battering ram
  • An axe or sledge hammer
  • A military tank
  • A bazooka
  • Crowbars
  • Big electric drills
  • Martial Artist (or trained MMA fighter) with powerful front “Kick” technique
  • A 300 pound Sumo Wrestler (or other really big person) can ram your door down.
  • A really mad 900-lb gorilla or elephant can crash your door open.
  • A really, really mad ex-wife or ex-girlfriend (does anyone doubt that!)

Here are some people with their “bag of tricks” who CANNOT OPEN your deadbolt lock with the Deadbolt Cloak ©   properly installed in place:

  • Thieves
  • Lock Smiths
  • Previous builders with copies of your keys
  • Renting/Leasing managers passkeys
  • Property repair crews
  • Previous residents/renters with copies of your keys
  • Previous students who have key copies to your dorm room.
  • Ex-spouses
  • Ex-boyfriends
  • Ex-girl friends
  • People who hate you
  • Fire Department *
  • Police *
  • Motel/hotel Managers **

*Note: The Fire Department or Police will be able to break your door down if they need to get in to rescue or help you, and they would do that anyway regardless of what you have on your door.

**Note: Motel/hotel managers have tools that can bypass the electronic deadbolts on their doors even if they are locked from the inside UNLESS the Deadbolt Cloak ©  is installed. While you may feel all safe and comfy in your motel room, with the deadbolt locked, thieves know that they can open your door with the same devices that motel managers use. However, they cannot open it with the Deadbolt Cloak ©   properly in place on the door’s deadbolt lock.

Intrusions into hotel and motel rooms tend to be more violent because the intruders  have usually pre-planned their attack (i.e., robbery, assault, kidnapping, murder, rape) and have already evaluated their victim.

Plus, the invaders into hotel and motel rooms know that the likelihood of their discovery and identification is greatly reduced … compared to a home invasion.

Unfortunately, people in hotels and motels usually have a greatly reduced awareness of what goes on around them because most of them are just passing through there anyway.

When properly put in place, the Deadbolt Cloak © CANNOT be opened by anyone with any kind of key or lock-picking device to turn your deadbolt lock to open it.

This includes the tricks and tools of locksmiths and master thieves because they cannot bypass the Deadbolt Cloak ©   with any kind of key (or electronic key card) when it is properly in place.

When someone outside your door starts making a bunch of noise trying to get in, that is bound to attract attention. Smart criminals are almost always aware that a nervous person behind a locked door might be scared enough to shoot them right through the door.

 This lady right here might just be a criminal’s worst nightmare if he makes a bunch of noise when trying to get through her door! My suggestion would be to use this type of deterrent only if not using the Deadbolt Cloak ©   … but some people just love to shoot!


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Image 11: Back-up for Deadbolt Cloak ©   … Just in Case!


When would you use the Deadbolt Cloak © ? You would use it when you are at home in your apartment, dorm, motel, or house. It is used to protect you when you are anywhere alone with a deadbolt on the door (even at home).

Most people are more concerned about their own safety than they are about the contents of their dwelling. If someone breaks in while they are gone and takes stuff, most people can recover their property value through their insurance policies.

If someone breaks in while you are at home there is no way to recover your life or other physical or emotional damage.

Personally, most people would rather have an intruder break in while they are away from home. This avoids confrontations in kill-or-be-killed situations or other devastating consequences. But, no one wants any type of break-in at all when they are home.

Why would anyone want an intrusive confrontation when they could have avoided it in the first place (especially … anywhere in the world, including in your own home)!



Chapter 5



See Images 12 & 13 below. Note: Skin color of the intruder is not relevant … because intruders world-wide come in all ages, colors, sizes, shapes … with evil intent and various weapons to take whatever they can get from you … including your life!

Image 12: Intruder With A Knife Image 13: Intruder With A Pistol
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Images 12 &13: Intruders (i.e., burglar, thief, murderer, rapist, assassin, etc.)


Are you ready for a new level of security on a door’s deadbolt wherever you are (alone or with family) … on any door in the world that has a deadbolt … in such places as?

  • Apartments
  • College Dorms
  • Cruise Ship Cabins
  • Homes
  • Hotel or Motels
  • Mobile Homes – Travel Trailers – RV’s
  • Time-shares
  • Cabin in the woods
  • Condos

We should ask ourselves again: “Why would anyone want to make sure that the deadbolt on their door is actually secure (i.e., home, apartment, dorm, cruise ship, motel, mobile home, etc.)?”

Consider the following statistics by the FBI “Crime Clock Statistics” to see how frequently certain crimes occurs:

  • Murder every … 35 minutes
  • Rape every … 6 minutes *
  • Robbery every … 1.5 minutes
  • Vehicle Theft every … 40 seconds
  • Assault every … 39 seconds
  • Burglary every … 14 seconds
  • Larceny (theft of some kind) every … 5 seconds


* As of 2015, America led the world in rape cases with 124,047 cases … and that accounted for 53% of all the reported rape cases that occurred in the world combined!

This is not surprising … since 60% of the world’s porn sites are hosted in America!

The appetites for increasing hardcore themes of sadomasochism with hatred and humiliation in sexual encounters is alarming!

Is this increase in sexual violence connected to increasing sexual appetites … and unreasonable expectations … from sexual experiences?

The biggest personal frustrations occur when reality does not measure up to  expectations … and unfortunately … some people may resort to physical violence when they don’t get what they expected (i.e., sexual pleasure, good fortune, etc.).

While we do not have time to diagnose and curb the sexual violence in the world … we can do something to protect ourselves when we are someplace that has a deadbolt lock on the door.

Just ask yourself, “Who can unlock my unprotected deadbolt … at home, at school, on vacation, or wherever there is a deadbolt on the door?” The answer is that just about any thief with only half-talent can usually open an unprotected deadbolt on a door.

There is a myth that the deadbolt is the ultimate defense against anyone getting a door open (i.e., keycard instead of a key … ha! ha! ha! … that one is really easy to get past) … but that often results in a false sense of security.

However,  a deadbolt can be made almost impenetrable with a correctly installed Deadbolt Cloak © . Plus, it will zip right through airport security or in any security checkpoint in the world.

Some reports estimate that only 16% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police.

If that estimate is correct then the actual rapes in America are closer to 775,294 per year than 124,047 per year … plus, 68% of rapes occur between the hours of 6 pm and 6 am.

Would a more secure deadbolt give you more piece of mind? It could be the thing that saves you on that day.

Who can unlock your unprotected dead bolt? Anyone who has a master key, a copy of your key, a lock pick set, a bump key, or numerous other tricks to bypass your dead bolt lock unless you have it protected with something like the Deadbolt Cloak ©  .

There is no key or lock-picking device in the world that can unlock that deadbolt lock when the Deadbolt Cloak ©   in properly installed and in place on a locked deadbolt.

Someone with a drill may drill your lock out, but they are still not going to be able to turn the lock tumblers to open a deadbolt with the Deadbolt Cloak ©  installed on the deadbolt latch.

Just how often does a burglary take place in the USA? According to a recent FBI “Uniform Crime Reports” statistics, a burglary takes place every 14 seconds.

Most burglaries take place in the U.S. between 6 am and 6pm or from “sunrise to sunset.” If you are a female that works the 2nd or 3rd shift, and sleeps during the day, it could be very comforting to have something like the Deadbolt Cloak © on your door.

How many doors with deadbolts are usually in a home?

  • An apartment (or dorm room) usually has only one door with a deadbolt. One Deadbolt Cloak ©   would work well in that situation.
  • Many homes usually have a front and a back door with deadbolts, and so do some apartments. Two Deadbolt Cloak ©  would work well in those situations.
  • Many homes also have a front door, back door, and a garage door with deadbolts. Three Deadbolt Cloak ©  would work well in those situations.


Here are just a few of some recent FBI crime statistics for breaking and entering (and burglaries):

  • 34% Front Door
  • 23% First-Floor Window
  • 22% Back Door
  • 9% Garage
  • 4% Basement
  • 4% Unlocked Entrances (and door)
  • 2% Second Floor
  • 2% Storage Area


Note 1: If you have a front door, back door, garage door entry, and a basement … thieves have a 69% opportunity to be able to enter your dwelling by defeating your deadbolt lock (unless … you have a Deadbolt Cloak ©   properly installed on it when you are at home).

Note 2: If you have a garage, you can install the Deadbolt Cloak ©   on the front and back door … and then you exit through the garage … with your protection on your front and back door deadbolts while you are gone.


Chapter 6

 Small But Powerful


We know that it is difficult for anyone to imagine that a small attractive device like the Deadbolt Cloak ©   could prevent 100% of the attempts to open a deadbolt with a key or lock pick when the Deadbolt Cloak ©  is properly installed and in place.

And, when you are at home, that is when it is most important.

The worst thing in the world is to wake up and find some unknown person standing right there beside your bed. If this happens at night it could be heart-stopping. If it happens during the day it could still be just as terrifying.

Almost as bad is to discover that someone has opened your door and sneaked in to steal your stuff or commit sexual offenses against you or your children. Even worse is that someone has sneaked in to commit physical violence or murder.








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Image 14: No Deadbolt Cloak ©    and the intruder got in!





TRUE STORY #1: Our Apartment

My wife and I had just moved into a new condo. The first thing I did after our move-in was to apply the Deadbolt Cloak ©  anytime we were at home.

Naturally, everything is never all right in a new place. So, I called the “maintenance department” to come take a look at some things the next day.

The next day I heard the doorbell ring downstairs … and almost immediately I heard keys rattling and “lock-jiggling” with the frantic twisting of a master key.

Of course, maintenance people seem to be the most impatient people on earth. Before I could get downstairs to let them in, I heard a bunch of keys rattling, men cussing, and door pounding (i.e., impolite, impatient, authoritative, let-me-in-right-now).

Is it just me, or do maintenance people everywhere think that just because they rang the doorbell that they don’t have to wait for you to answer and that they can just barge in?

It’s like when they ring the door bell, or knock on your door, that you have been notified … and that they are coming right on in regardless of what you are doing (naked or not!).

They told me that something was wrong with my deadbolt and that they were going to have to take a look at it later. They said they tried all their keys.

I did not show them the Deadbolt Cloak ©   which I had just removed and put into my pocket before I opened the door.

I asked them to go ahead and try their keys again since it was probably just stuck. They tried their keys, and of course, their keys worked just fine then.

They followed me upstairs to take a look at my repair problem, but they did not see the really, really big grin on my face as I had just proven how great this device is at keeping unwanted people out while I am inside.


TRUE STORY #2: Our Motel … Near-Encounter

My wife and I had finally made it to St . Pete Beach, FL for some fun time and food at the beach.

In our motel room … after relaxing about an hour from the drive … my wife heard a “jiggling” noise on the deadbolt lock on the door to the adjoining room for the apartment next door.

She said, “Quick … you need to put the Deadbolt Cloak ©  on the deadbolt latch for the adjoining-room door … and put another one on our motel room door, too.”

After I quickly secured the two doors with a Deadbolt Cloak © , she said, “Now, I feel much better because I know that no one is going to get into our room while we are in it … and you know that I would not sleep a wink without the Deadbolt Cloak ©  in place.”

As I write this report, my wife and I are getting ready for another trip to St. Pete Beach, FL for some New Year’s Eve fun.

She just came to my office door and said, “Make sure you don’t forget to take some Deadbolt Cloak ©  for our motel doors ….”  [I did not forget … because I don’t sleep too well with unsecured deadbolts in strange places either!]


TRUE STORY #3: Why Inventor Developed the Deadbolt Cloak ©  

The story behind development of the Deadbolt Cloak ©  is related to peoples’ personal safety when they are expecting to be safe and secure at home or in a room somewhere in the world.

What is the story behind the Deadbolt Cloak © development?

Here is a little background for you. During his career, a retired college professor produced several inventions for door security … but none of them were portable nor useable internationally.

Those prior inventions worked great, but they took too much time to build and cost the customer too much money.

He wanted to develop a device that would secure almost all deadbolts anywhere in the world.  It would have to be highly efficient, portable, and reusable so that customers could take it with them through airport security …  and use it almost anywhere in the world.

In addition to being portable, it would need to be applied or removed in seconds without any tools or equipment. Plus, it would have to pass airport security … and  it would not require any tools to install or leave any holes, marks, or scars anywhere it was used.

Have you ever seen someone walk into an Ace Hardware store  or a Sears store … and saw something new and interesting … then said, “Oh, I could have invented that.”

I can appreciate that because I have had the same reaction to some things I saw. More than likely … it means that someone understands the “new thing” and how it works.

Anyway, the professor was successful at finding the right application process that met all his requirements … and it would work with the proper materials and sizes … and be useable anywhere in the world.



Chapter 7

Skeptics are Good … Because they ARE THINKING


But some would say, “What!!! Are you kidding me? That thing does not look like it could do anything more than hold a blanket roll together. It just looks like a piece of Velcro.”

 That is where most people would be absolutely wrong.

Most people who see the Deadbolt Cloak ©   cannot even imagine what it is used it for … or … they might think it is only good enough to wrap around stuff to hold it together.

The inventor decided to conduct some further testing to see if he could find any flaws or weaknesses with it.

However, the VELCRO ® strap used in this “deadbolt-protection” process is a special strap that has passed Underwriter Laboratory tests and is rated (UL/fr).

 OK, so what does it look like installed on a deadbolt thumb latch? Here are a couple of images (15 & 16) of an example on a real door:


Image 15: Door-Closed View Image 16: Door-Open View

Images 15 & 16: door-closed view (L) and door-open view (R).        

Some would say, “Oh yeah, but I bet that VELCRO ® strap would just slip right off when a key turned in the lock.”

The inventor thought about that and decided to hang some dead weight on the Deadbolt Cloak ©  strap while it was attached to the deadbolt thumb latch.

He took out four 5-pound barbell plates and hung them from the Deadbolt Cloak ©   strap while it was attached to the deadbolt thumb latch.

The total weight was 20 pounds, but that was more than enough to prove that the Deadbolt Cloak ©  strap was not going to slip off under any pressure put on the deadbolt lock mechanism before the key either bent or broke.

Here are the four 5-pound barbell plates (20 pounds dead weight ) used for the test (hanging on the strap):


  Image 17:  20 pounds did NOT slip and did not break.


In the photo above, the Deadbolt Cloak ©   strap did not slip one tiny little bit on the thumb latch of the deadbolt.

He conducted several tests using several different sizes of products. Several products failed until he found the right product and tested it to find out what size actually works.

Several “Velcro” products and sizes failed miserably … because they kept on slipping off the deadbolt latch. It was found that the consistency of the tested products was weak and did not last very long after repeated use.

It was really frustrating trying to find the right product that would actually do what he required it to do. Basically, it had to prevent anyone from turning a deadbolt lock with any key, lock pick, or other tricky lock-device.

That included putting a key in a lock and turning the key with a pair of pliers.

When he found the best product and the right size, all he could manage to do was destroy keys because they could not produce the pressure required to disable the properly installed Deadbolt Cloak ©   on the other side of the door.

 Note: The Deadbolt Cloak ©   works on doors that open from either direction (i.e., opens from left side or opens from right side … or from inside or outside direction).



Chapter 8


Some More Features: main Deadbolt Cloak ©  FEATURES are it:

  • Costs less than you can buy the proper materials and make it yourself.
  • Does NOT contain any buckles, rivets, screws, nuts, or bolts.
  • Does NOT leave any marks or holes in doors, walls, or door knobs.
  • Does NOT require any tools or equipment to apply.
  • Exceeds the performance capabilities of similar materials.
  • Is made of high quality Underwriter Lab tested (UL/fr) material.
  • Is NOT a metal product … and does not contain any metal parts.
  • Passes airport security in pockets, purses, briefcases.


Some Main Benefits Shown Again:

The Deadbolt Cloak ©   provides these BENEFITS when properly applied to deadbolt thumb latches (the most common feature found on most deadbolts):

  • Can apply it to deadbolts in seconds.
  • Can remove it from deadbolts in seconds.
  • Can buy it from us much cheaper than you can make it yourself.
  • Easy to apply to deadbolts latches found in most places.
  • It is completely portable and can be re-used almost anywhere.
  • Keeps your safe from door intrusions while you are inside your place.
  • Prevents deadbolt opening with ANY kind of keys or lock picks.
  • Saves you a lot of money for the quality and protection you get.
  • Take it with you when you move to another home or apartment.
  • Use it in apartments, dorms, homes, motels, cabins, hotels.
  • Can be reused many times without losing “locking power.”

Obviously, you can also use the Deadbolt Cloak ©  strap in any other place you might use a common one-wrap Velcro ® strap. Yes, you can even use it for securing blanket rolls, tie-downs on your bicycle, blouse your pants’ legs or coat sleeves, etc.



There are hundreds of deadbolt types and manufacturers on the market. Just a few of them will be  shown below. We are not endorsing any of them just because their image is shown.

Just because a deadbolt manufacturer might describe their deadbolt with such terms as “Keyless” or  “Electronic” or  “Fingerprint”  or  “Fool-proof” “Bump-Key Proof”  or  “Lock-pick Proof”  or “Burglar-proof”  “Retinal Verification,” etc., there are two things you should look for:

  1. First, does the deadbolt still have a keyhole slot that can be used to open the door … with a key in case you forget your push-button code, or your finger with the fingerprint got banged-up, or the electric-part of the lock stopped working?

Note: Any deadbolt lock with a keyhole slot is the gateway for an intruder to gain entrance into your living quarters. Make no mistake about it, there are clever people out there who can bypass most of the modern deadbolt locks that try to foil their attempts to get into your living space.

  1. Second, does the inside portion of the deadbolt lock system have a thumb latch which you can use to lock or unlock the deadbolt? You may already have a deadbolt on your door, or you may be considering buying one.


If so, take a look at the example images presented below. The Deadbolt Cloak ©  will work on most types of deadbolt thumb latches.  Take a look at these images to make sure your deadbolt latch looks like one of these.

If your deadbolt system does not have a thumb latch inside the door of your dwelling place, you WILL NOT be able to apply the Deadbolt Cloak © to secure your deadbolt. However, that will probably not happen very often.

However, you still might want to purchase the Deadbolt Cloak ©  to use on your travels (i.e., many motels and hotels  still have deadbolt locks in their rooms).

We know that several people will look at this process and conclude that they can go get the materials and do it themselves, and then broadcast about how they did it, and maybe even make a YouTube video.

Uh huh, and if the material is placed on the deadbolt latch incorrectly … it may slip right off.

Then, they “crow” about how they are so clever and smart to have been able to do this on their own … basically to get attention by “outsmarting” the inventor … we guess!

However, after getting all their information from genius YouTube gurus, they should not send us any emails about how someone got into their room and … (We don’t even want to hear about it) … they should know better than to take short-cuts with their own life and safety.

Sure, it’s possible to drive around and find some Velcro ® straps, but we know the headaches of driving around all over the place (i.e., shopping malls, hardware stores, fabric stores, etc.) trying to find the right stuff that actually works safely.

Plus, if you do find something that works for you, there will almost never be enough of the right materials (and in the right size) available to satisfy the needs of most other people.

Then, knowing how to use these application techniques is absolutely necessary … because applying the Deadbolt Cloak ©   to a deadbolt latch is essential for it to provide protection.

Some people will rush over to their deadbolt and try to apply the materials they bought at Wal-Mart or some fabric store.

What usually happens is that the stuff they bought is often the wrong composition and/or size, and if they do get the right stuff they get frustrated when “their” material device keeps on slipping off the deadbolt thumb latch.

There is a right way to apply this device, but it is really easy once you see how it’s done. You are not likely to forget how to apply the Deadbolt Cloak ©   to any deadbolt thumb latch on any door once you learn how it’s done.

Short detailed videos will be provided on how to correctly apply the Deadbolt Cloak © .  This is where “do-it-yourself” people usually foul up and get frustrated … and leave themselves exposed to smart thieves that can get right past their attempts at door safety.

Note: The Velcro device prepared and sent to our customers is not patented. There is no way that anyone else can patent the VELCRO ® BRAND … but the inventor’s technique-process for using the correct VELCRO ® on deadbolt latches is copyright-protected.

Note: Disclaimer – Anyone who rushes out, locates some Velcro, reviews our installation videos, and then installs “their” product on their deadbolts … they are on their own … plus, each user is responsible for correctly installing  and using the recommended product.

Velcro itself is already patented.  However, our videos and written installation instructions using the Velcro product are copyrighted.

Our biggest goal is to help people stay safe when they are at home … or in a room somewhere else away from home. That is why we made the most simple application you can imagine, and then made it very affordable.

We did that so that people will be able to get the product and protect themselves while inside whatever place they live or visit (i.e., apartment, dorm, home, motel, etc.).

If we can help even one person stay alive, stay safe, or avoid being raped or kidnapped, we will be very happy.  We would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who has been kept safe by the using the Deadbolt Cloak © .

Crime can be an unexpected, intrusive, explosive event. Protect yourself … because making things all “new” again are seldom possible.

As mentioned before … here are some examples of various deadbolt lock types you may find on various doors in many places around the world (Images 18 – 23):


Image 18: Deadbolt details with lock bar extended and the thumb latch on inside of door (lockz.com)



Images 19 & 20: of Electronic Fingerprint door lock: See below:


Image 19                                                     Image 20

Note the thumb latch inside. It also has optional key hole outside, and this makes it vulnerable to expert lock-crackers. The Deadbolt Cloak ©  will fit virtually all deadbolt systems that have a thumb latch inside the door, including this one (boingboing.net).


Image 21: above of a fancy deadbolt lock system.


Notice that it has a thumb latch on the inside of the door. The Deadbolt Cloak ©   will work on this one too (houseofalu.com).


Image 22:  above of a Schlage Combination door lock.


Notice that the inside part (on right) of the deadbolt has a thumb latch. A properly applied Deadbolt Cloak ©   would protect this one as well (Electronicdeadboltreview.com).


Image 23: above of a Master Lock Combination door lock.


Notice that the inside part (on right) of the deadbolt has a thumb latch. A properly applied Deadbolt Cloak ©  would protect this one as well (keylessaccesslocks.com).






Once again, here is an image to remind you just how small this powerful, portable deadbolt security devise is.  Remember, it does not leave any marks or holes on doors, walls, or any deadbolt metals.


Image 24: The Portable Deadbolt Cloak ©  


With the Deadbolt Cloak ©  properly applied, we believe that it is virtually impossible to open a deadbolt lock with any type of key (or keys) or lock-pick devices. This should be a deterrent to prevent most intruders from successfully opening a deadbolt with a properly applied Deadbolt Cloak ©  .

Do not believe any device maker that tries to tell you that their device is 100% burglar proof.

There are other ways to open a door even when the Deadbolt Cloak ©  is properly applied (i.e.,  any door can be bashed open with brute force).


OBSERVATION of Behavioral attitudes

It seems that some people just have to prove something by “beating the system” or getting “one-up” on someone or something.

We know that some people will run out and try to find some type of Velcro (or an imitation) in order to feel like they have “beat the system.”

We hope they don’t because they will usually have to run around all over the place, waste time, and spend more money on a pack of something that may not work properly and that costs more than they would spend to get it from us.

The worst time to find out that an untested imitation product does not work is when you wake up in the middle of the night with someone in your room, or, maybe they are standing right there looking down at you … with a knife or gun in their hand.


bigstock Scared young african woman sit 279805828 - PORTABLE DEADBOLT CLOAK - INFORMATION
Image 25: Intruder With Deadly Phone Demands

When properly applied, the product material presented in this application has the inherent physical components and characteristics to perform as advertised, making it one of the world’s simplest but most effective portable, protective devices for deadbolt security anywhere.




Review THIS INFORMATION FIRST In Case It Was Missed:

A lot of travelers are very much interested in devices to secure their motel or hotel room door. Configurations of the deadbolt can be much smaller in hotels and motels than those used in apartment rentals or in residential homes.

Most modern hotels and motels have been converted to use a coded electronic key card to enter a room. Most of them will also have a deadbolt latch inside which does not have an external “KEY” slot for a metal key that can open the door.

If you go out for something … and leave a person behind in the room who locks the deadbolt … you CANNOT get back in until they open the deadbolt inside. You can wear out that electronic key card  poking it in the key-card slot every which way to open the door.

However, the door will not open for you even if you have grown hoarse and exhausted from applying your best and loudest “cussing vocabulary” in the most authoritative tone.

You might think that no one can open that door since there is no external key hole to open the deadbolt latch inside.

However, you would be absolutely wrong. ALL hotels and motels have a method to open any locked deadbolt in their entire facility.

Well, that is true if someone does not have a Deadbolt Cloak ©   applied to the deadbolt latch inside their hotel or motel room!

Since most modern hotel and motel rooms have a metal frame around their doors it would take a lot more force than 400-pound gorilla to open that door by brute force.

A police battering ram would take several hits to break the door open. No clever locksmith or hotel manager’s secret trick will be able get your door open without  the proper tools and skills to dismantle the entire lock assembly.

A few people may be asking why anyone would want their hotel/motel room to have a secure deadbolt. The answer is that motel and hotel doors can be opened easily with an electronic  “pass card” … and many thieves know how to get one.

Also, many crimes happen in motels and hotels that never get reported … and most of the reported crimes do NOT get solved. The FBI reports that less than 16% of burglars are ever caught and convicted.

Plus, the crimes committed by forceful entry in a motel room are usually more vicious than home invasions because the criminals usually have more hostile intent (i.e., robbery, rape, murder, savage beatings, etc.).

There is a direct correlation between home invasions (such as burglaries) and unemployment.  The need for money is the motivator, and people can sell things that they can steal … especially since most thieves now get away with their crimes.

Many people have already become aware of all the advice to keep doors locked, lights on, have an alarm system, secure their windows, avoid opening doors to strangers, take photos of all your items, and be a good neighbor to prevent burglars from getting into your home or apartment.

Most burglars look for security alarms so that a “silent alarm system” does not catch them off guard.

However, most burglars know that most police departments will not make it there within the next 6 – 8 minutes they need to plunder your home space. By the time police arrive they are long gone.

What you might not know much about is the “target” agenda a burglar has once inside your apartment or home.  Here is the usual order your home is searched:

  • Master Bed Room (cash, jewelry, valuables anywhere in the room)
  • Bathroom (narcotic prescriptions in medicine cabinet)
  • Living Room/Family Room (TV’s, iPods, Cameras, Laptops, Stereos)
  • Home Office (Computers, Laptops, Recording equipment, firearms)
  • Kitchen (Electronic devices, valuable silverware)
  • Second Floor (not a favorite  unless master bedroom is there)
  • Basement with no outlet (not a favorite for fear of getting trapped there)

Apartments are about twice as likely to be broken into by a burglar than a home, but the rate of burglaries across the world is staggering.

Plus, most burglars are never caught. The FBI reports that less than 16% of burglars are ever caught and convicted.

The number of apartments “revisited” by former tenants who did not turn in all their keys is unknown. However, it is known that this does happen at a higher rate than is reported … because apartment managers seem to “routinely forget” to change or re-key the locks.

While there are many other things we can do to protect our homes from burglary, we are also concerned about our safety while at home. We can do that by keeping our doors locked and our deadbolts secure from burglars and other people such as:

  • Thieves
  • Lock Smiths
  • Previous builders with copies of your keys
  • Renting/Leasing managers
  • Property repair crews
  • Previous residents/renters with copies of your keys
  • Ex-spouses
  • Ex-boyfriends
  • Ex-girl friends
  • People who hate you
  • Fire Department *
  • Police *

*Note: The Fire Department or Police will be able to break your door down if they need to get in to rescue or help you, and they would do that anyway regardless of what you have on your door.

When properly put in place, the Deadbolt Cloak ©   CANNOT be opened by anyone with any kind of key or lock-picking device to turn your deadbolt lock to open it. This includes locksmiths and master thieves because they cannot bypass the Deadbolt Cloak ©   when it is properly in place.

When someone outside your door starts making a bunch of noise, trying to get in … that is bound to attract attention … but smart criminals do not want to make noise.

Smart criminals are almost always aware that a nervous person behind a locked door might be scared enough to shoot them right through the door … or right through their head.

Or … just wait until the burglar is crazy enough to poke his head around the door … and hear the expression “Make My Day “ (Gary Swanson [Vice Squad, 1982] or Clint Eastwood [Sudden Impact, 1983]) … or hear the hammer “cocking-back” to end his day.

No peace-loving person ever wants to resort to violence for any reason. But … how quickly that feeling can change after a violent break-in or attack occurs.

The best remedy for safety and protection is to make preparations before anyone has the chance to take advantage of you or you family.

If you think that the Deadbolt Cloak ©   can help with your room or home safety … further information will be sent to you a little later.

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Image 26: Just Waiting … On the Other Side of the Door!


When would you use the Deadbolt Cloak ©  ?  It is used to protect you when you are alone in your home or in a room alone anywhere in the world.

For example, you would use it when you are at home in your apartment, dorm, motel, house, or anywhere else when you are alone somewhere in the world (i.e., vacation, business, traveling, shopping, etc.).

What is the scariest thing that can happen in your home, especially at night?  That darn security alarm goes off, and you have no clue what, or who, set it off.

You either lie there frozen to the bed, or reach for your weapon, or you get up to investigate why the security alarm is going off. Everyone knows this to be true … because every time the  security alarm goes off …  it always scares the heck out of them.

You know what is even scarier?  You wake up and sense that someone is standing right there at the side of your bed. This is awful during the day, but it is absolutely horrifying during the night.

A lot of these intruders get right in through your front door because they were able to get past your unprotected deadbolt lock. People can greatly reduce the ability of intruders to get past their deadbolt lock by using the Deadbolt Cloak ©  .

The Deadbolt Cloak ©   is not a magic spell. It should be pointed out that a determined person can find a way to get around any security device by simply breaking the door down with brute force … or by dismantling and removing the deadbolt lock assembly.

Fortunately, most intruders do not want to draw that kind of attention … because it is easier to run away, stay healthy … and live to steal another day!

But, really! Why on Earth would anyone ever want to put up with an intruder like the one below … when all they might need to keep him out is the Deadbolt Cloak ©  ?


bigstock An Evil Gangster In A Black Ma 305477425 - PORTABLE DEADBOLT CLOAK - INFORMATION
Image 27: Stop Intruders Like This With Deadbolt Cloak ©  


If you would like to purchase the Deadbolt Cloak ©   without being directed to several other web pages … here is the information for you:

Here is the final package deal. This is what each customer pays for … and receives:

  • ONE Deadbolt Cloak ©   … Discount Price: $19.95  (Original Price for one: $59.95)
  • Plus, TWO … FREE Deadbolt Cloak ©   (original value for two = $119.90)
  • FREE Shipping and handling anywhere in the USA (we absorb that cost, i.e. $9.95+)

So, then, the Total Charge for all THREE Deadbolt Cloak © … only $19.95 … and FREE Shipping and Handling anywhere in the USA.







To comply with Safety Guidelines for Covid-19 and germ transmissions … this product is guaranteed to be Brand-New … and never used by anyone else because we cannot accept returns.

We do not offer a money-back guarantee on orders with free products and free shipping … BUT … we are adding Two Free Deadbolt Guards and

FREE Shipping and Handling anywhere in the USA with this offer.

We use it, and we know it works world-wide when used as described  in homes, apartments, hotels, motels or wherever a deadbolt is used … and it has hundreds of other applications in addition to securing a deadbolt lock (i.e., in other places where Velcro ® Brand one-wrap products are used).

In order to get a replacement for a lost or damaged product shipment … just send us your name, physical mail address, and order number within 30 days.

Use this link:  Support@deadboltcloak.com




There will always be those who see this device, and say, “Ha … that’s just a piece of Velcro … I can get that anywhere.”

True,  it is a type of VELCRO ® … but it is a special composition type that works better than “regular” Velcro … and is not readily available for the public to find because of its industrial uses.

Why is it used for the Deadbolt Cloak ©  ? Because it stands up to wear and tear better … and stays on a deadbolt latch much better.

Figuring out how to apply the VELCRO ® strap to a deadbolt latch is NOT a piece of cake … and it might not stay on a deadbolt latch either, at a critical time … if not applied correctly by someone who is just trying to guess how to make it work.

The inventor will show how to get the proper VELCRO ® strap and show the two correct methods for applying the Deadbolt Cloak ©  g method … by using instructional videos.

How valuable is security and safety when we are alone in a room somewhere in the world? We never know who has been watching us … and may be waiting for an opportunity to catch us somewhere alone (i.e., alone in our room somewhere).

If someone is able to get into your private space and do things to you (and to your family) … things too numerous and awful to list here … you cannot undo what has been done to you once it has occurred.

The best thing you can do is TO PREVENT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

We will be in touch soon … watch your email box.

In the meantime … best of life, success, safety, and love.

Prof. Mitchell L. Watrous


Addendum: For those who did not receive the email … or who received this book … but still did not receive the information about how to obtain this product … here is the link to find the product for further consideration:   https://www.deadboltcloak.com/get-it-now/

Plus … if you would still like some additional information, here is a free information book for you: Free Apartment Safety Information